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Upload Post in Mahithi Thana and Earn Cash



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Hi friends, are you fond of writing articles? Are you looking to earn money from your writing? Do you wish to share your articles with a larger audience?

Well, here's an opportunity! You can upload your posts on Mahithi Thana and start earning money, similar to how it works on YouTube – you get paid based on the views your post receives. Let me guide you through the simple steps to upload a post on Mahithi Thana:

  • • Sign in to your account, which will take you to the homepage. Navigate to the "account" section.
  • • Click on 'upload post' within the account section.
  • • Provide the title, description, tags, and if applicable, include the youtube video link from your channel. Click on the 'upload' button to submit your post.
  • • Once submitted, Mahithi Thana will review your post. After verification, you'll see a "verified" status.
  • • Now, your post is live on Mahithi Thana for everyone to view. You'll start earning money based on the views your article receives.

If you find this beneficial, please share this opportunity within your group to support all writers and youtube creators. Happy writing and earning!

Mahithi Thana

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